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The Promotion and Construction of Management mechanism of Greenhouse Gas Management Fund

In recent years,the extreme weather has been continuously aroused natural disasters and damages all around the world which made mitigation and adaption became the global consensus to combat the impact of climate change. Reflect to the international action,the United Nation parties negotiated treaties like United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change and Tokyo Protocol to prevent global warming. In Taiwan,the energy supply mostly relies on imports,if our energy supplier took relative action on mitigation by adjusting their energy exportation methods,Taiwan may face a higher risk on climate change. To prevent high energy risk indirectly cause by climate change and to progress our national reduction targets,Taiwan Legitimacy Yuan enacted the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act in 2015. This project including information collection and action in practice,not only collecting international finance development trends which publish on journals and weekly publications,but also assisting Environment Protection Administration of Executive Yuan to plan the committee of “GHG Management Fund” and its relative regulation,to improve the benefit of low-carbon policy through the regulatory of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act go into effect.
cliamte finance, GHG Management Fund, the committee of GHG Management Fund